Last renderer of three util
The Stats of three util
Adds css style
css style
Camels case to dash
Clears ngx three util
Clears loading manager
Clears three component
Css eject
true if eject
Css inject
true if inject
Gets angle2 radian safe
angle2 radian safe
Gets angle safe
angle safe
Which blending to use when displaying objects with this material. This must be set to CustomBlending to use custom blendSrc, blendDst or blendEquation. See the blending mode constants for all possible values. Default is NormalBlending.
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.ZeroFactor | ZeroFactor , Zero |
THREE.OneFactor | OneFactor , One |
THREE.SrcColorFactor | SrcColorFactor , SrcColor |
THREE.OneMinusSrcColorFactor | OneMinusSrcColorFactor , OneMinusSrcColor |
THREE.SrcAlphaFactor | SrcAlphaFactor , SrcAlpha |
THREE.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor | OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor , OneMinusSrcAlpha |
THREE.DstAlphaFactor | DstAlphaFactor , DstAlpha |
THREE.OneMinusDstAlphaFactor | OneMinusDstAlphaFactor , OneMinusDstAlpha |
THREE.DstColorFactor | DstColorFactor , DstColor |
THREE.OneMinusDstColorFactor | OneMinusDstColorFactor , OneMinusDstColor |
blend src
Gets blend equation custom blending equations (numbers start from 100 not to clash with other mappings to OpenGL constants defined in Texture.js)
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.AddEquation | AddEquation, Add |
THREE.SubtractEquation | SubtractEquation, Subtract |
THREE.ReverseSubtractEquation | ReverseSubtractEquation, ReverseSubtract, Reverse |
THREE.MinEquation | MinEquation, Min |
THREE.MaxEquation | MaxEquation, Max |
blend equation
Gets blend mode
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.NormalAnimationBlendMode | NormalAnimationBlendMode, NormalAnimation, Normal |
THREE.AdditiveAnimationBlendMode | AdditiveAnimationBlendMode, AdditiveAnimation, Additive |
blend mode
Which blending to use when displaying objects with this material. This must be set to CustomBlending to use custom blendSrc, blendDst or blendEquation. See the blending mode constants for all possible values. Default is NormalBlending.
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.SrcAlphaSaturateFactor | SrcAlphaSaturateFactor , SrcAlphaSaturate, SrcAlpha |
blend src
Which blending to use when displaying objects with this material. Default is NormalBlending.
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.NoBlending | NoBlending, No |
THREE.NormalBlending | NormalBlending, Normal |
THREE.AdditiveBlending | AdditiveBlending, Additive |
THREE.SubtractiveBlending | SubtractiveBlending, Subtractive |
THREE.MultiplyBlending | MultiplyBlending, Multiply |
THREE.CustomBlending | CustomBlending, Custom |
blending safe
Gets boolean safe
true if boolean safe
Gets builtin shader attribute name safe
builtin shader attribute name safe
Gets child element save
child element save
Gets clock
Gets color hex
color hex
Gets color hex string
color hex string
Gets color style
color style
Gets combine
Gets pixel format safe
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.AlphaFormat | AlphaFormat, Alpha |
THREE.RedFormat | RedFormat, Red |
THREE.RedIntegerFormat | RedIntegerFormat, RedInteger |
THREE.RGFormat | RGFormat, RG |
THREE.RGIntegerFormat | RGIntegerFormat, RGInteger |
THREE.RGBFormat | RGBFormat, RGB |
THREE.RGBIntegerFormat | RGBIntegerFormat, RGBInteger |
THREE.RGBAIntegerFormat | RGBAIntegerFormat, RGBAInteger |
THREE.LuminanceFormat | LuminanceFormat, Luminance |
THREE.LuminanceAlphaFormat | LuminanceAlphaFormat, LuminanceAlpha |
THREE.DepthFormat | DepthFormat, Depth |
THREE.DepthStencilFormat | DepthStencilFormat, DepthStencil |
pixel format safe
Gets controls
Gets controls on render
Gets controls params
controls params
Gets cube image
cube image
Gets CullFace safe
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.CullFaceNone | none |
THREE.CullFaceBack | back |
THREE.CullFaceFront | front |
THREE.CullFaceFrontBack | frontback |
CullFace safe
Gets depth func
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.NeverDepth | NeverDepth, Never |
THREE.AlwaysDepth | AlwaysDepth, Always |
THREE.LessDepth | LessDepth, Less |
THREE.LessEqualDepth | LessEqualDepth, LessEqual |
THREE.EqualDepth | EqualDepth, Equal |
THREE.GreaterEqualDepth | GreaterEqualDepth, GreaterEqual |
THREE.GreaterDepth | GreaterDepth, Greater |
THREE.NotEqualDepth | NotEqualDepth, NotEqual |
depth func
Gets depth packing, Depth packing strategies
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.RGBADepthPacking | RGBADepthPacking, RGBADepth, RGBA |
THREE.BasicDepthPacking | BasicDepthPacking, BasicDepth, Basic |
depth packing
Gets first
Gets geometry
Gets glsl version
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.GLSLVersion.GLSL1 | GLSL1, GL1, 1 |
THREE.GLSLVersion.GLSL3 | GLSL3, GL3, 3 |
glsl version
Gets gui folder
gui folder
Gets html code
html code
Gets gui control param
gui control param
Gets interpolation ending
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.ZeroCurvatureEnding | ZeroCurvatureEnding, ZeroCurvature |
THREE.ZeroSlopeEnding | ZeroSlopeEnding, ZeroSlope |
THREE.WrapAroundEnding | WrapAroundEnding, WrapAround |
interpolation ending
Gets interpolation
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.InterpolateDiscrete | InterpolateDiscrete, Discrete |
THREE.InterpolateLinear | InterpolateLinear, Linear |
THREE.InterpolateSmooth | InterpolateSmooth, Smooth |
Gets loading manager
loading manager
Gets loop
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.LoopOnce | LoopOnce, Once |
THREE.LoopRepeat | LoopRepeat, Repeat |
THREE.LoopPingPong | LoopPingPong, PingPong |
Gets mapping safe
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.UVMapping | UVMapping, UV |
THREE.CubeReflectionMapping | CubeReflectionMapping, CubeReflection |
THREE.CubeRefractionMapping | CubeRefractionMapping, CubeRefraction |
THREE.EquirectangularReflectionMapping | EquirectangularReflectionMapping, EquirectangularReflection |
THREE.EquirectangularRefractionMapping | EquirectangularRefractionMapping, EquirectangularRefraction |
THREE.CubeUVReflectionMapping | CubeUVReflectionMapping, CubeUVReflection |
THREE.CubeUVRefractionMapping | CubeUVRefractionMapping, CubeUVRefraction |
mapping safe
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
mouse safe
Gets normal map type
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.TangentSpaceNormalMap | TangentSpaceNormalMap, TangentSpace |
THREE.ObjectSpaceNormalMap | ObjectSpaceNormalMap, ObjectSpace |
normal map type
Gets number safe
number safe
Gets parse float
parse float
Gets pixel format gpusafe, Internal Pixel Formats
pixel format gpusafe
Gets pixel format or compressed pixel format safe
pixel format or compressed pixel format safe
Gets pixel format safe
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.AlphaFormat | AlphaFormat, Alpha |
THREE.RedFormat | RedFormat, Red |
THREE.RedIntegerFormat | RedIntegerFormat, RedInteger |
THREE.RGFormat | RGFormat, RG |
THREE.RGIntegerFormat | RGIntegerFormat, RGInteger |
THREE.RGBFormat | RGBFormat, RGB |
THREE.RGBIntegerFormat | RGBIntegerFormat, RGBInteger |
THREE.RGBAIntegerFormat | RGBAIntegerFormat, RGBAInteger |
THREE.LuminanceFormat | LuminanceFormat, Luminance |
THREE.LuminanceAlphaFormat | LuminanceAlphaFormat, LuminanceAlpha |
THREE.DepthFormat | DepthFormat, Depth |
THREE.DepthStencilFormat | DepthStencilFormat, DepthStencil |
pixel format safe
Gets pmrem generator
pmrem generator
Gets precision safe
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
String | highp |
String | mediump |
String | lowp |
precision safe
Gets radian2 angle safe
radian2 angle safe
Gets renderer
Gets rigidbody
Gets rigidbody component
rigidbody component
Gets Shading
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.FlatShading | Flat |
THREE.SmoothShading | Smooth |
Gets Shadowing Type
shadow map type safe
Gets side
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.FrontSide | FrontSide , Front |
THREE.BackSide | BackSide , Back |
THREE.DoubleSide | DoubleSide , Double |
Gets stats
Gets stencil func
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.NeverStencilFunc | NeverStencilFunc, Never |
THREE.LessStencilFunc | LessStencilFunc, Less |
THREE.EqualStencilFunc | EqualStencilFunc, Equal |
THREE.LessEqualStencilFunc | LessEqualStencilFunc, LessEqual |
THREE.GreaterStencilFunc | GreaterStencilFunc, Greater |
THREE.NotEqualStencilFunc | NotEqualStencilFunc, NotEqual |
THREE.GreaterEqualStencilFunc | GreaterEqualStencilFunc, GreaterEqual |
THREE.AlwaysStencilFunc | AlwaysStencilFunc, Always |
stencil func
Gets stencil fail
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.ZeroStencilOp | ZeroStencilOp, Zero |
THREE.KeepStencilOp | KeepStencilOp, Keep |
THREE.ReplaceStencilOp | ReplaceStencilOp, Replace |
THREE.IncrementStencilOp | IncrementStencilOp, Increment |
THREE.DecrementStencilOp | DecrementStencilOp, Decrement |
THREE.IncrementWrapStencilOp | IncrementWrapStencilOp, IncrementWrap |
THREE.DecrementWrapStencilOp | DecrementWrapStencilOp, DecrementWrap |
THREE.InvertStencilOp | InvertStencilOp, Invert |
stencil fail
Gets store url
store url
Gets subscribe
Gets texture data type safe
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.ByteType | ByteType, Byte |
THREE.ShortType | ShortType, Short |
THREE.UnsignedShortType | UnsignedShortType, UnsignedShort |
THREE.IntType | IntType, Int |
THREE.UnsignedIntType | UnsignedIntType, UnsignedInt |
THREE.FloatType | FloatType, Float |
THREE.HalfFloatType | HalfFloatType, HalfFloat |
THREE.UnsignedShort4444Type | UnsignedShort4444Type, UnsignedShort4444 |
THREE.UnsignedShort5551Type | UnsignedShort5551Type, UnsignedShort5551 |
THREE.UnsignedShort565Type | UnsignedShort565Type, UnsignedShort565 |
THREE.UnsignedInt248Type | UnsignedInt248Type, UnsignedInt248 |
THREE.UnsignedByteType | UnsignedByteType, UnsignedByte |
texture data type safe
Gets texture encoding safe
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.sRGBEncoding | sRGBEncoding, sRGB |
THREE.GammaEncoding | GammaEncoding, Gamma |
THREE.RGBEEncoding | RGBEEncoding, RGBE |
THREE.LogLuvEncoding | LogLuvEncoding, LogLuv |
THREE.RGBM7Encoding | RGBM7Encoding, RGBM7 |
THREE.RGBM16Encoding | RGBM16Encoding, RGBM16 |
THREE.RGBDEncoding | RGBDEncoding, RGBD |
THREE.LinearEncoding | LinearEncoding, Linear |
texture encoding safe
Gets texture filter safe
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.NearestFilter | NearestFilter, Nearest |
THREE.NearestMipmapNearestFilter | NearestMipmapNearestFilter, nearestmipmapnearest |
THREE.NearestMipmapLinearFilter | NearestMipmapLinearFilter, nearestmipmaplinear |
THREE.LinearMipmapNearestFilter | LinearMipmapNearestFilter, linearmipmapnearest |
THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter | LinearMipmapLinearFilter, linearmipmaplinear |
THREE.LinearFilter | Linearfilter, linear |
texture filter safe
Gets three component
three component
Gets timeout 특정 시간후에 이벤트 발생시키기
Get The ToneMapping
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.NoToneMapping | No |
THREE.LinearToneMapping | Linear |
THREE.ReinhardToneMapping | Reinhard |
THREE.CineonToneMapping | Cineon |
THREE.ACESFilmicToneMapping | ACESFilmic |
THREE.CustomToneMapping | Custom |
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.TOUCH.DOLLY_PAN | dollypan, dolly_pan |
THREE.TOUCH.DOLLY_ROTATE | dollyrotate, dolly_rotate |
touch safe
Gets TrianglesDraw mode
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.TrianglesDrawMode | TrianglesDrawMode, DrawMode |
THREE.TriangleStripDrawMode | TriangleStripDrawMode, StripDrawMode, Strip |
THREE.TriangleFanDrawMode | TriangleFanDrawMode, FanDrawMode, Fan |
TrianglesDraw mode
Gets type safe
type safe
Gets uuid
Gets update subscribe
update subscribe
Gets usage
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.StreamDrawUsage | StreamDrawUsage, StreamDraw |
THREE.StaticReadUsage | StaticReadUsage, StaticRead |
THREE.DynamicReadUsage | DynamicReadUsage, DynamicRead |
THREE.StreamReadUsage | StreamReadUsage, StreamRead |
THREE.StaticCopyUsage | StaticCopyUsage, StaticCopy |
THREE.DynamicCopyUsage | DynamicCopyUsage, DynamicCopy |
THREE.StreamCopyUsage | StreamCopyUsage, StreamCopy |
THREE.StaticDrawUsage | StaticDrawUsage, StaticDraw |
THREE.DynamicDrawUsage | DynamicDrawUsage, DynamicDraw |
Gets wrapping safe
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.RepeatWrapping | RepeatWrapping, Repeat |
THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping | MirroredRepeatWrapping, MirroredRepeat |
THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping | ClampToEdgeWrapping, ClampToEdge |
wrapping safe
Determines whether array is
true if array
Determines whether not null is color
true if not null
Determines whether index of is
true if index of
Determines whether not null is
true if not null
Determines whether not null is
true if not null
Determines whether null is
true if null
Determines whether only index of is
true if only index of
Determines whether three component is
true if three component
Makes uuid
Pushs uniq
Removes css style
true if css style
Renders three util
Gets store url
Sets gui enabled
Sets loading process
Sets loading process
Sets renderer
Sets subscribe next
Sets three component
Setups gui
Setups gui change
gui change
Toggles css style
true if css style
Sets loading process
Generated using TypeDoc
Three util
See the ngx3js docs page for details.