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Interface ILightOptions

Light options




Optional angle

angle?: number

Maximum angle of light dispersion from its direction whose upper bound is Math.PI/2(360).

Optional animationGroup

animationGroup?: any

The animaion group of this object 3d

Optional castShadow

castShadow?: boolean

Whether the object gets rendered into shadow map. Default is false.

Optional color

color?: INgxColor

Numeric value of the RGB component of the color. Default is 0xffffff.

Optional controller

controller?: any

Optional customDepth

customDepth?: any

Custom depth material to be used when rendering to the depth map. Can only be used in context of meshes. When shadow-casting with a DirectionalLight or SpotLight, if you are (a) modifying vertex positions in the vertex shader, (b) using a displacement map, (c) using an alpha map with alphaTest, or (d) using a transparent texture with alphaTest, you must specify a customDepthMaterial for proper shadows. Default is undefined.

Optional customDistance

customDistance?: any

Same as Object3D.customDepthMaterial, but used with PointLight. Default is undefined.

Optional decay

decay?: number

The amount the light dims along the distance of the light. Default is 1.

Optional distance

distance?: number

Maximum range of the light. Default is 0 (no limit).

Optional frustumCulled

frustumCulled?: boolean

When this is set, it checks every frame if the object is in the frustum of the camera before rendering the object. If set to false the object gets rendered every frame even if it is not in the frustum of the camera. Default is true.

Optional groundColor

groundColor?: INgxColor

hexadecimal color of the ground. Default is 0xffffff.

Optional height

height?: number

height of the light. Default is 10.

Optional intensity

intensity?: number

Numeric value of the light's strength/intensity. Default is 1.

Optional layers

layers?: number[]

The layer membership of the object. The object is only visible if it has at least one layer in common with the Camera in use. This property can also be used to filter out unwanted objects in ray-intersection tests when using Raycaster.

Optional loDistance

loDistance?: number

The distance at which to display this level of detail.

Optional lookat

lookat?: any

vector - A vector representing a position in world space. Optionally, the Object3D.x, Object3D.y and Object3D.z components of the world space position. Rotates the object to face a point in world space. This method does not support objects having non-uniformly-scaled parent(s).

Optional matrixAutoUpdate

matrixAutoUpdate?: boolean

When this is set, it calculates the matrix of position, (rotation or quaternion) and scale every frame and also recalculates the matrixWorld property. Default is Object3D.DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate (true).

Optional name

name?: string

The name of the object (doesn't need to be unique). Default is an empty string.

Optional penumbra

penumbra?: number

Percent of the spotlight cone that is attenuated due to penumbra. Takes values between zero and 1. Default is zero.

Optional position

position?: any

A Vector3 representing the object's local position. Default is (0, 0, 0).

Optional receiveShadow

receiveShadow?: boolean

Whether the material receives shadows. Default is false.

Optional renderOrder

renderOrder?: number

This value allows the default rendering order of scene graph objects to be overridden although opaque and transparent objects remain sorted independently. When this property is set for an instance of Group, all descendants objects will be sorted and rendered together. Sorting is from lowest to highest renderOrder. Default value is 0.

Optional renderTarget

renderTarget?: any

The Input of light component

Optional renderer

renderer?: any

The Input of light component

Optional rotation

rotation?: any

Object's local rotation (see Euler angles), in radians.

Optional scale

scale?: any

The object's local scale. Default is Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ).

Optional sh

sh?: string

An instance of SphericalHarmonics3.

Optional shadowBias

shadowBias?: number

Shadow map bias, how much to add or subtract from the normalized depth when deciding whether a surface is in shadow. The default is 0. Very tiny adjustments here (in the order of 0.0001) may help reduce artefacts in shadows

Optional shadowCameraBottom

shadowCameraBottom?: number

Camera frustum bottom plane.

Optional shadowCameraFar

shadowCameraFar?: number

Camera frustum far plane. Default is 2000. Must be greater than the current value of Camera.near plane.

Optional shadowCameraFov

shadowCameraFov?: number

Camera frustum vertical field of view, from bottom to top of view, in degrees. Default is 50.

Optional shadowCameraLeft

shadowCameraLeft?: number

Camera frustum left plane.

Optional shadowCameraNear

shadowCameraNear?: number

Camera frustum near plane.

Optional shadowCameraRight

shadowCameraRight?: number

Camera frustum right plane.

Optional shadowCameraTop

shadowCameraTop?: number

Camera frustum top plane.

Optional shadowCameraZoom

shadowCameraZoom?: number

Gets or sets the zoom factor of the camera. Default is 1.

Optional shadowFocus

shadowFocus?: number

Used to focus the shadow camera. The camera's field of view is set as a percentage of the spotlight's field-of-view. Range is [0, 1]. Default is 1.0.

Optional shadowMapSize

shadowMapSize?: number

A Vector2 defining the width and height of the shadow map.

Optional shadowMapSizeHeight

shadowMapSizeHeight?: number

A Vector2 defining the width and height of the shadow map. vector2.height

Optional shadowMapSizeWidth

shadowMapSizeWidth?: number

A Vector2 defining the width and height of the shadow map. vector2.width

Optional shadowRadius

shadowRadius?: number

Setting this to values greater than 1 will blur the edges of the shadow. High values will cause unwanted banding effects in the shadows - a greater LightShadow.mapSize will allow for a higher value to be used here before these effects become visible. If WebGLRenderer.shadowMap.type is set to PCFSoftShadowMap, radius has no effect and it is recommended to increase softness by decreasing LightShadow.mapSize instead. Note that this has no effect if the WebGLRenderer.shadowMap.type is set to BasicShadowMap.

Optional skyColor

skyColor?: INgxColor

hexadecimal color of the sky. Default is 0xffffff.

Optional target

target?: any

The Input of light component

Optional targetX

targetX?: number

The Input of light component

Optional targetY

targetY?: number

The Input of light component

Optional targetZ

targetZ?: number

The Input of light component

Optional texture

texture?: any

The Input of light component

Optional type

type?: string

The type of light

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.PointLight PointLight, Point
THREE.RectAreaLight RectAreaLight, RectArea
THREE.SpotLight SpotLight, Spot
THREE.DirectionalLight DirectionalLight, Directional
THREE.HemisphereLight HemisphereLight, Hemisphere
THREE.LightProbe LightProbe, Probe
THREE.AmbientLight AmbientLight, Ambient

Optional visible

visible?: boolean

Object gets rendered if true. Default is true.

Optional width

width?: number

width of the light. Default is 10.

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