Creates an instance of renderer component.
Object attr of abstract subscribe component
Change list of abstract subscribe component
Need update of abstract subscribe component
Size subject of renderer component
Update subject of renderer component
User gesture subject of renderer component
The afterRender of renderer component
whether to perform alpha. Default is false.
whether to perform antialiasing. Default is false.
Defines whether the renderer should automatically clear its output before rendering a frame.
If WebGLRenderer.autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the color buffer. Default is true.
The beforeRender of renderer component
The camera of renderer component
Sets the alpha of the clear color
Sets the clear color
The guiOpen of GUI
The options of control
The type of control
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
FlyControls | FlyControls, Fly |
FirstPersonControls | FirstPersonControls, FirstPerson |
DeviceOrientationControls | DeviceOrientationControls, DeviceOrientation |
DragControls | DragControls, Drag |
TransformControls | TransformControls, Transform |
TrackballControls | TrackballControls, Trackball |
ArcballControls | ArcballControls, Arcball |
PlaneControls | PlaneControls, Plane |
OrbitControls | OrbitControls, Orbit |
The type of css canvas class
The type of css renderer
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
CSS2DRenderer | CSS2DRenderer, CSS2D, 2D |
CSS3DRenderer | CSS3DRenderer, CSS3D, 3D |
mixed - "css3d,css2d", "css2d,css3d"
Debug this Object
Enabled or Not
User-defined clipping planes specified as THREE.Plane objects in world space.
The Gui of renderer component
The guiControl of GUI
The guiOpen of GUI
The guiParams of GUI
The guiStyle of GUI
The height of renderer
The Id of abstract subscribe component
Defines whether the renderer respects object-level clipping planes. Default is false.
whether to use a logarithmic depth buffer. It may be neccesary to use this if dealing with huge differences in scale in a single scene. Note that this setting uses gl_FragDepth if available which disables the Early Fragment Test optimization and can cause a decrease in performance. Default is false. See the [example:webgl_camera_logarithmicdepthbuffer camera / logarithmicdepthbuffer] example.
Will be called when before destory. The argument will be the loaded self
Will be called when load completes. The argument will be the loaded self
Defines the output encoding of the renderer. Default is THREE.LinearEncoding. If a render target has been set using .setRenderTarget then renderTarget.texture.encoding will be used instead. See the texture constants page for details of other formats.
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.sRGBEncoding | sRGBEncoding, sRGB |
THREE.GammaEncoding | GammaEncoding, Gamma |
THREE.RGBEEncoding | RGBEEncoding, RGBE |
THREE.LogLuvEncoding | LogLuvEncoding, LogLuv |
THREE.RGBM7Encoding | RGBM7Encoding, RGBM7 |
THREE.RGBM16Encoding | RGBM16Encoding, RGBM16 |
THREE.RGBDEncoding | RGBDEncoding, RGBD |
THREE.LinearEncoding | LinearEncoding, Linear |
The override params
The Parent of abstract subscribe component
Whether to use physically correct lighting mode. Default is false. See the [example:webgl_lights_physical lights / physical] example.
whether to preserve the buffers until manually cleared or overwritten. Default is false.
The quality of SVGRenderer
Notice - case insensitive.
high - high quality. low - low quality.
The Renderer of renderer component
Renderer height of renderer component
Renderer width of renderer component
The requiredExtensions of renderer component
The scene of renderer component
If set, use shadow maps in the scene. Default is true.
Defines shadow map type (unfiltered, percentage close filtering, percentage close filtering with bilinear filtering in shader) Options are THREE.BasicShadowMap, THREE.PCFShadowMap (default), THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap and THREE.VSMShadowMap. See Renderer constants for details.
Notice - case insensitive.
The Input of renderer component
Notice - case insensitive.
auto - auto fix the size of renderer. fixed - use fixed size of renderer.
the stats mode of stats module
The statsStyle of stats module
Subscribe type of abstract subscribe component
Default is NoToneMapping. See the Renderer constants for other choices.
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.LinearToneMapping | LinearToneMapping, Linear |
THREE.ReinhardToneMapping | ReinhardToneMapping, Reinhard |
THREE.CineonToneMapping | CineonToneMapping, CineonTone |
THREE.ACESFilmicToneMapping | ACESFilmicToneMapping, ACESFilmic |
THREE.NoToneMapping | NoToneMapping, No |
Exposure level of tone mapping. Default is 1.
Tween animation params
The type of renderer
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
SVGRenderer | SVGRenderer, SVG |
THREE.WebGLRenderer | WebGLRenderer, WebGL, GL, WebGL2 |
The useAssetLoading of GUI
The Input of renderer component
Notice - case insensitive.
string join by ,
change - change. pointerdown, mousedown, down - pointerdown. pointerup, mouseup, up - pointerup. pointermove, mousemove, move - pointermove. keydown - keydown. keyup - keyup. keypress - keypress. click - click. mouseover - mouseover, over. mouseout - mouseout, out.
An object that can be used to store custom data about the Object3D. It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned.
The width of renderer
Export this Object to window global variables
The x position of renderer
number : fixed position. string : % - the percent of renderer. string : % -/+ number - the percent of renderer and add some value.
The xrEnabled of renderer component
The y position of renderer
number : fixed position. string : % - the percent of renderer. string : % -/+ number - the percent of renderer and add some value.
Sets need update
Adds changes
Adds event
Applys changes
Calls on load
Changes auto size
Checks changes
Clears changes
Consoles log
Consoles log time
Destroys local component
Disposes renderer component
Gets canvas json
Gets changes
Gets id
Gets Object
Gets Render controls
Gets render info
render info
Gets Renderer
Gets subscribe
Gets timeout 특정 시간후에 이벤트 발생시키기
Gets user data
Inits local component
local component
Determines whether id euals is
true if id euals
A callback method that is invoked immediately after Angular has completed initialization of all of the directive's content. It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated.
A callback method that is invoked immediately after Angular has completed initialization of a component's view. It is invoked only once when the view is instantiated.
A callback method that is invoked immediately after the default change detector has checked the directive's data-bound properties for the first time, and before any of the view or content children have been checked. It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated. default change detector has checked data-bound properties if at least one has changed, and before the view and content children are checked.
The changed properties.
A callback method that performs custom clean-up, invoked immediately before a directive, pipe, or service instance is destroyed.
A callback method that is invoked immediately after the default change detector has checked the directive's data-bound properties for the first time, and before any of the view or content children have been checked. It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated.
Removes event
Renders renderer component
Resets tween
Resizes canvas
Hosts listener
Runs subscribe next
Sets loading process
Sets object
Sets parent
true if parent
Sets size
Sets subscribe next
Sets subscribe type
Sets tween
Sets tween target
Sets user data
Subscribes list query
Subscribes list query change
Subscribes refer
Subscribes refer list
subscribe refer
subscribe refer list
Updates input params
Updates subscribe
Users gesture subscribe
gesture subscribe
Generated using TypeDoc
The Renderer component.
See the ngx3js docs page for details. See the ngx renderer page for a live demo.