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Interface IControlOptions

Control options


  • IControlOptions



Optional activeLook

activeLook?: boolean

The activeLook of control

Optional autoForward

autoForward?: boolean

The autoForward of control

Optional autoRotate

autoRotate?: boolean

The autoRotate of control

Optional autoRotateSpeed

autoRotateSpeed?: number

The autoRotateSpeed of control

Optional camera

camera?: any

The camera of control

Optional cascades

cascades?: number

The cascades of control

Optional constrainVertical

constrainVertical?: boolean

The constrainVertical of control

Optional dampingFactor

dampingFactor?: number

The dampingFactor of control

Optional dragToLook

dragToLook?: boolean

The dragToLook of control

Optional enableDamping

enableDamping?: boolean

The enableDamping of control

Optional enableKeys

enableKeys?: boolean

The enableKeys of control

Optional enablePan

enablePan?: boolean

The enablePan of control

Optional enableZoom

enableZoom?: boolean

The enableZoom of control

Optional heightCoef

heightCoef?: number

The heightCoef of control

Optional heightMax

heightMax?: number

The heightMax of control

Optional heightMin

heightMin?: number

The heightMin of control

Optional heightSpeed

heightSpeed?: boolean

The heightSpeed of control

Optional lightDirectionX

lightDirectionX?: number

The lightDirectionX of control

Optional lightDirectionY

lightDirectionY?: number

The lightDirectionY of control

Optional lightDirectionZ

lightDirectionZ?: number

The lightDirectionZ of control

Optional lookSpeed

lookSpeed?: number

The lookSpeed of control

Optional lookVertical

lookVertical?: boolean

The lookVertical of control

Optional lookatList

lookatList?: QueryList<any>

The lookat list of control

Optional maxAzimuthAngle

maxAzimuthAngle?: number

The maxAzimuthAngle of control

Optional maxDistance

maxDistance?: number

The maxDistance of control

Optional maxFar

maxFar?: number

The maxFar of control

Optional maxPolarAngle

maxPolarAngle?: number

The maxPolarAngle of control

Optional maxZoom

maxZoom?: number

The maxZoom of control

Optional minAzimuthAngle

minAzimuthAngle?: number

The minAzimuthAngle of control

Optional minDistance

minDistance?: number

The minDistance of control

Optional minPolarAngle

minPolarAngle?: number

The minPolarAngle of control

Optional minZoom

minZoom?: number

The minZoom of control

Optional mode

mode?: string

The mode of control

Notice - case insensitive.

Optional mouseDragOn

mouseDragOn?: boolean

The mouseDragOn of control

Optional movementSpeed

movementSpeed?: number

The movementSpeed of control

Optional panSpeed

panSpeed?: number

The panSpeed of control

Optional rollSpeed

rollSpeed?: number

The rollSpeed of control in degree

Optional rotateSpeed

rotateSpeed?: number

The rotateSpeed of control

Optional scene

scene?: any

The scene of control

Optional screenSpacePanning

screenSpacePanning?: boolean

The screenSpacePanning of control

Optional shadowMapSize

shadowMapSize?: number

The shadowMapSize of control

Optional staticMoving

staticMoving?: boolean

The staticMoving of control

Optional target

target?: any

The target of control

Optional type

type?: string

The type of control

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
FlyControls FlyControls, Fly
FirstPersonControls FirstPersonControls, FirstPerson
DeviceOrientationControls DeviceOrientationControls, DeviceOrientation
DragControls DragControls, Drag
TransformControls TransformControls, Transform
TrackballControls TrackballControls, Trackball
ArcballControls ArcballControls, Arcball
PlaneControls PlaneControls, Plane
OrbitControls OrbitControls, Orbit

Optional verticalMax

verticalMax?: number

The verticalMax of control

Optional verticalMin

verticalMin?: number

The verticalMin of control

Optional xDistance

xDistance?: number

The xDistance of control

Optional yDistance

yDistance?: number

The yDistance of control

Optional zoomSpeed

zoomSpeed?: number

The zoomSpeed of control

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