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Interface IHelperOptions

Helper options


  • IHelperOptions



Optional arrowFrom

arrowFrom?: any

Point at which the arrow starts.

Optional arrowTo

arrowTo?: any

Point at which the arrow end.

Optional children

children?: any[]

this children of Gyroscope

Optional circles

circles?: number

The number of circles. This can be any positive integer. Default is 8.

Optional color

color?: string | number

color -- The desired color.

Optional color1

color1?: INgxColor

The first color used for grid elements. This can be a Color, a hexadecimal value and an CSS-Color name. Default is 0x444444

Optional color2

color2?: INgxColor

The second color used for grid elements. This can be a Color, a hexadecimal value and an CSS-Color name. Default is 0x888888

Optional control

control?: any

The cms control of CSMHelper

Optional depthWrite

depthWrite?: boolean

Whether rendering this material has any effect on the depth buffer. Default is true.

Optional dirX

dirX?: number

X Direction from origin. Must be a unit vector.

Optional dirY

dirY?: number

Y Direction from origin. Must be a unit vector.

Optional dirZ

dirZ?: number

Z Direction from origin. Must be a unit vector.

Optional divisions

divisions?: number

The number of line segments used for each circle. This can be any positive integer that is 3 or greater. Default is 64.

Optional divisionsInnerAngle

divisionsInnerAngle?: number

the divisionsInnerAngle of PositionalAudioHelper

Optional divisionsOuterAngle

divisionsOuterAngle?: number

the divisionsOuterAngle of PositionalAudioHelper

Optional headLength

headLength?: number

The length of the head of the arrow. Default is 0.2 * length.

Optional headWidth

headWidth?: number

The width of the head of the arrow. Default is 0.2 * headLength.

Optional length

length?: number

length of the arrow. Default is 1.

Optional materialBlending

materialBlending?: string

The Input of helper component Which blending to use when displaying objects with this material. Default is NormalBlending.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)

THREE.NormalBlending | THREE.NoBlending | NoBlending, No | | THREE.NormalBlending | NormalBlending, Normal | | THREE.AdditiveBlending | AdditiveBlending, Additive | | THREE.SubtractiveBlending | SubtractiveBlending, Subtractive | | THREE.MultiplyBlending | MultiplyBlending, Multiply | | THREE.CustomBlending | CustomBlending, Custom |

Optional materialColor

materialColor?: INgxColor

The color of material

Optional materialTransparent

materialTransparent?: boolean

Defines whether this material is transparent. This has an effect on rendering as transparent objects need special treatment and are rendered after non-transparent objects. When set to true, the extent to which the material is transparent is controlled by setting it's .opacity property. Default is false.



Optional matrix

matrix?: I3JS.Matrix4

Update matrix for this helper

Optional opacity

opacity?: number

Float in the range of 0.0 - 1.0 indicating how transparent the material is.

Optional originX

originX?: number

X Point at which the arrow starts.

Optional originY

originY?: number

Y Point at which the arrow starts.

Optional originZ

originZ?: number

Z Point at which the arrow starts.

Optional radials

radials?: number

The number of radial lines. This can be any positive integer. Default is 16.

Optional radius

radius?: number

The radius of the polar grid. This can be any positive number. Default is 10.

Optional range

range?: number

the range of PositionalAudioHelper

Optional size

size?: number

size of the lines representing the axes. Default is 1.

Optional target

target?: any

The target object of helper

Optional type

type?: string

the type of helper

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
Gyroscope Gyroscope
THREE.ArrowHelper ArrowHelper, Arrow
THREE.BoxHelper BoxHelper, Box
THREE.Box3Helper Box3Helper, Box3
THREE.GridHelper GridHelper, Grid
THREE.PolarGridHelper PolarGridHelper, PolarGrid
PositionalAudioHelper PositionalAudioHelper, PositionalAudio
THREE.CameraHelper CameraHelper, Camera
THREE.DirectionalLightHelper DirectionalLightHelper, DirectionalLight, Directional, Light
THREE.HemisphereLightHelper HemisphereLightHelper, HemisphereLight, Hemisphere, Light
THREE.PointLightHelper PointLightHelper, PointLightHelper, PointLight, Light
THREE.SpotLightHelper SpotLightHelper, SpotLight, Light
RectAreaLightHelper RectAreaLightHelper, RectAreaLight, Light
LightProbeHelper LightProbeHelper, LightProbe, Light
THREE.PlaneHelper PlaneHelper, Plane
VertexTangentsHelper VertexTangentsHelper, VertexTangents
VertexNormalsHelper VertexNormalsHelper, VertexNormals
THREE.SkeletonHelper SkeletonHelper, Skeleton
THREE.AxesHelper AxesHelper, Axes

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