Adds the properties of a model as JSON data.
Applies a configuration for web-ifc.
Creates a new geometric subset.
Completely releases the WASM memory, thus drastically decreasing the memory use of the app. Only use this in the following scenarios:
Returns all items of the specified type. You can import the types from web-ifc.
Example to get all the standard walls of a project:
import { IFCWALLSTANDARDCASE } from 'web-ifc';
const walls = ifcLoader.getAllItemsOfType(IFCWALLSTANDARDCASE) : this;
Gets the Express ID to which the given face belongs. This ID uniquely identifies this entity within this IFC file.
Gets the ifc type of the specified item.
Gets the native properties of the given element.
Gets the materials assigned to the given element.
Gets the property sets assigned to the given element.
Gets the spatial structure of the project. The spatial structure is the hierarchical structure that organizes every IFC project (all physical items are referenced to an element of the spatial structure). It is formed by one IfcProject that contains one or more IfcSites, that contain one or more IfcBuildings, that contain one or more IfcBuildingStoreys, that contain one or more IfcSpaces.
Gets the properties of the type assigned to the element. For example, if applied to a wall (IfcWall), this would get back the information contained in the IfcWallType assigned to it, if any.
Hides all the items of the specified model
Hides the selected items in the specified model
Sets the relative path of web-ifc.wasm file in the project. Beware: you must serve this file in your page; this means that you have to copy this files from node_modules/web-ifc to your deployment directory.
If you don't use this methods, IFC.js assumes that you are serving it in the root directory.
Example if web-ifc.wasm is in dist/wasmDir:
ifcLoader.setWasmPath("dist/wasmDir/") : this;
Makes object picking a lot faster Courtesy of gkjohnson's work. Import these objects from his library and pass them as arguments. IFC.js takes care of the rest!
Shows all the items of the specified model
Shows all the items of the specified model
Enables the JSON mode (which consumes way less memory) and eliminates the WASM data. Only use this in the following scenarios:
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