Object. object that provides UV generator functions
bool. Apply beveling to the shape. Default is true.
float. Distance from the shape outline that the bevel starts. Default is 0.
int. Number of bevel layers. Default is 3.
float. Distance from the shape outline that the bevel extends. Default is bevelThickness - 0.1.
float. How deep into the original shape the bevel goes. Default is 0.2.
int. Number of points on the curves. Default is 12.
float. Depth to extrude the shape. Default is 1.
THREE.Curve. A 3D spline path along which the shape should be extruded. Bevels not supported for path extrusion.
int. Number of points used for subdividing segments along the depth of the extruded spline. Default is 1.
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Extrude geometry options