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Class NgxMaterialComponent

The Material component.

See the ngx3js docs page for details. See the ngx material page for a live demo.

Abstract base class for materials.

Materials describe the appearance of objects. They are defined in a (mostly) renderer-independent way, so you don't have to rewrite materials if you decide to use a different renderer.

The following properties and methods are inherited by all other material types (although they may have different defaults).

Common Three Type Common Type Key Acceptable Input
Boolean alphaToCoverage true, false
THREE.Blending blending NoBlending, NormalBlending, AdditiveBlending, SubtractiveBlending, MultiplyBlending, CustomBlending
THREE.BlendingDstFactor blendDst ZeroFactor, OneFactor, SrcColorFactor, OneMinusSrcColorFactor, SrcAlphaFactor, OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor, DstAlphaFactor, OneMinusDstAlphaFactor, DstColorFactor, OneMinusDstColorFactor
Number blendDstAlpha 0.0~1.0
THREE.BlendingEquation blendEquation AddEquation, SubtractEquation, ReverseSubtractEquation, MinEquation, MaxEquation
Number blendEquationAlpha 0.0~1.0
THREE.BlendingSrcFactor blendSrc SrcAlphaSaturateFactor
Number blendSrcAlpha 0.0~1.0
Boolean clipIntersection true, false
THREE.Plane[] clippingPlanes Array
Boolean clipShadows true, false
Boolean colorWrite true, false
Any defines any
THREE.DepthModes depthFunc NeverDepth, AlwaysDepth, LessDepth, LessEqualDepth, EqualDepth, GreaterEqualDepth, NotEqualDepth
Boolean depthTest true, false
Boolean depthWrite true, false
Boolean fog true, false
Number opacity 0.0~1.0
Boolean polygonOffset true, false
Number polygonOffsetFactor any
Number polygonOffsetUnits any
String precision highp, mediump, lowp
Number premultipliedAlpha any
Boolean dithering true, false
THREE.Side shadowSide FrontSide, BackSide, DoubleSide
Boolean toneMapped true, false
Boolean transparent true, false
Boolean stencilWrite true, false
THREE.StencilFunc stencilFunc NeverStencilFunc, LessStencilFunc, EqualStencilFunc, LessEqualStencilFunc, GreaterStencilFunc, NotEqualStencilFunc, GreaterEqualStencilFunc, AlwaysStencilFunc
Number stencilRef any
Number stencilWriteMask any
Number stencilFuncMask any
THREE.StencilOp stencilFail ZeroStencilOp, KeepStencilOp, ReplaceStencilOp, IncrementStencilOp, DecrementStencilOp, IncrementWrapStencilOp, DecrementWrapStencilOp, InvertStencilOp
THREE.StencilOp stencilZFail ZeroStencilOp, KeepStencilOp, ReplaceStencilOp, IncrementStencilOp, DecrementStencilOp, IncrementWrapStencilOp, DecrementWrapStencilOp, InvertStencilOp
THREE.StencilOp stencilZPass ZeroStencilOp, KeepStencilOp, ReplaceStencilOp, IncrementStencilOp, DecrementStencilOp, IncrementWrapStencilOp, DecrementWrapStencilOp, InvertStencilOp
Boolean alphaTest true, false
THREE.Side side FrontSide, BackSide, DoubleSide
Boolean vertexColors true, false
Boolean visible true, false
Three Type Type Value Acceptable Input
THREE.LineBasicMaterial LineBasicMaterial, LineBasic color, linewidth, linecap, linejoin
THREE.LineDashedMaterial LineDashedMaterial, LineDashed color, linewidth, linecap, linejoin, vertexColors, dashSize, gapSize, scale
THREE.MeshBasicMaterial MeshBasicMaterial, MeshBasic color, aoMapIntensity, refractionRatio, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, reflectivity, combine, wireframeLinecap, wireframeLinejoin, map, aoMap, specularMap, alphaMap, envMap
THREE.MeshDepthMaterial MeshDepthMaterial, MeshDepth map, alphaMap, depthPacking, displacementMap, displacementScale, displacementBias, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth
THREE.MeshDistanceMaterial MeshDistanceMaterial, MeshDistance map, alphaMap, displacementMap, displacementScale, displacementBias, farDistance, nearDistance, referencePosition
THREE.MeshMatcapMaterial MeshMatcapMaterial, MeshMatcap color, matcap, map, alphaMap, bumpMap, bumpScale, normalMap, normalMapType, normalScale, displacementMap, displacementScale, displacementBias, flatShading
THREE.MeshNormalMaterial MeshNormalMaterial, MeshNormal bumpMap, bumpScale, normalMap, normalMapType, normalScale, displacementMap, displacementScale, displacementBias, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, flatShading
THREE.MeshPhongMaterial MeshPhongMaterial, MeshPhong color, map, lightMap, lightMapIntensity, aoMap, aoMapIntensity, emissive, emissiveIntensity, emissiveMap, bumpMap, bumpScale, normalMap, normalMapType, normalScale, displacementMap, displacementScale, displacementBias, alphaMap, envMap, refractionRatio, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, reflectivity, specular, shininess, specularMap, combine, wireframeLinecap, wireframeLinejoin, flatShading
THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial MeshPhysicalMaterial, MeshPhysical color, roughness, metalness, map, lightMap, lightMapIntensity, aoMap, aoMapIntensity, emissive, emissiveIntensity, emissiveMap, bumpMap, bumpScale, normalMap, normalMapType, normalScale, displacementMap, displacementScale, displacementBias, roughnessMap, metalnessMap, alphaMap, envMap, envMapIntensity, refractionRatio, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, clearcoat, , clearcoatRoughness, clearcoatNormalScale, clearcoatNormalMap, reflectivity, transmission, thickness
THREE.MeshStandardMaterial MeshStandardMaterial, MeshStandard color, roughness, metalness, map, lightMap, lightMapIntensity, aoMap, aoMapIntensity, emissive, emissiveIntensity, emissiveMap, bumpMap, bumpScale, normalMap, normalMapType, normalScale, displacementMap, displacementScale, displacementBias, roughnessMap, metalnessMap, alphaMap, envMap, envMapIntensity, refractionRatio, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, flatShading
THREE.MeshToonMaterial MeshToonMaterial, MeshToon color, gradientMap, map, lightMap, lightMapIntensity, aoMap, aoMapIntensity, emissive, emissiveIntensity, emissiveMap, bumpMap, bumpScale, normalMap, normalMapType, normalScale, displacementMap, displacementScale, displacementBias, alphaMap, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, wireframeLinecap, wireframeLinejoin
THREE.PointsMaterial PointsMaterial, Points color, map, alphaMap, size, sizeAttenuation
THREE.RawShaderMaterial RawShaderMaterial, RawShader uniforms, vertexShader, fragmentShader, linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions
THREE.ShaderMaterial ShaderMaterial, Shader uniforms, vertexShader, fragmentShader, linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping
THREE.ShadowMaterial ShadowMaterial, Shadow color
THREE.SpriteMaterial SpriteMaterial, Sprite color, map, alphaMap, rotation, sizeAttenuation
THREE.LineMaterial LineMaterial, Line color, dashed, dashScale, dashSize, dashOffset, gapSize, linewidth, resolution
THREE.StandardNodeMaterial StandardNodeMaterial, StandardNode color, metalness, reflectivity, clearcoat, clearcoatRoughness, emissive, roughness
THREE.BasicNodeMaterial BasicNodeMaterial, BasicNode
THREE.MeshStandardNodeMaterial MeshStandardNodeMaterial, MeshStandardNode diffuseMap, color, roughness, metalness, normalScale,
THREE.PhongNodeMaterial PhongNodeMaterial, PhongNode color, normalMap, environmentAlpha
THREE.SpriteNodeMaterial SpriteNodeMaterial, SpriteNode
THREE.MeshLambertMaterial MeshLambertMaterial, MeshLambert color, emissive, emissiveIntensity, emissiveMap, map, lightMap, lightMapIntensity, aoMap, aoMapIntensity, specularMap, alphaMap, envMap, combine, reflectivity, refractionRatio, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, wireframeLinecap, wireframeLinejoin
THREE.NgxShaderAttributesParticlesMaterial ShaderAttributesParticlesMaterial, ShaderAttributesParticles linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderSelectiveDrawMaterial ShaderSelectiveDrawMaterial, ShaderSelectiveDraw linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderCustomAttributesMaterial ShaderCustomAttributesMaterial, ShaderCustomAttributes linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderCustomAttributesLinesMaterial ShaderCustomAttributesLinesMaterial, ShaderCustomAttributesLines linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderCustomAttributesPointsMaterial ShaderCustomAttributesPointsMaterial, ShaderCustomAttributesPoints linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderAttributeSizeColorMaterial ShaderAttributeSizeColorMaterial, ShaderAttributeSizeColor linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderAttributeSizeColor1Material ShaderAttributeSizeColor1Material, ShaderAttributeSizeColor1 linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderSkyDomeMaterial ShaderSkyDomeMaterial, ShaderSkyDome linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderParallaxMaterial ShaderParallaxMaterial, ShaderParallax linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderFresnelMaterial ShaderFresnelMaterial, ShaderFresnel linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderSubsurfaceScatteringMaterial ShaderSubsurfaceScatteringMaterial, ShaderSubsurfaceScattering linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderWireframeMaterial ShaderWireframeMaterial, ShaderWireframe linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderNoiseRandom1DMaterial ShaderNoiseRandom1DMaterial, ShaderNoiseRandom1D linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderNoiseRandom2DMaterial ShaderNoiseRandom2DMaterial, ShaderNoiseRandom2D linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderNoiseRandom3DMaterial ShaderNoiseRandom3DMaterial, ShaderNoiseRandom3D linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderColorRainbowMaterial ShaderColorRainbowMaterial, ShaderColorRainbow linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderVideoKinectMaterial ShaderVideoKinectMaterial, ShaderVideoKinect linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderVolumeRenderShader1Material ShaderVolumeRenderShader1Material, ShaderVolumeRenderShader1 linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderInstancingMaterial ShaderInstancingMaterial, ShaderInstancing linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderScaleColorMaterial ShaderScaleColorMaterial, ShaderScaleColor linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderSinColorMaterial ShaderSinColorMaterial, ShaderSinColor linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderRaymarchingReflectMaterial ShaderRaymarchingReflectMaterial, ShaderRaymarchingReflect linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderCloudMaterial ShaderCloudMaterial, ShaderCloud linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
THREE.NgxShaderPerlinMaterial ShaderPerlinMaterial, ShaderPerlin linewidth, wireframe, wireframeLinewidth, lights, clipping, glslVersion, extensions, uniforms
[type]="'LineBasicMaterial'" [color]="'0xffff00'"
[color]="'blue'" [linewidth]="1" [dashSize]="10" [gapSize]="10"
[color]="'0x000000'" [wireframe]="true"
[wireframeLinewidth]="1" [side]="'double'"
[depthPacking]="'RGBA'" [displacementMap]="displacementMap"
[displacementScale]="2.436143" [displacementBias]="-0.428408"
[materialType]="'customdistance'" [alphaTest]="0.5" [alphaMap]="alphaMap"
[type]="'MeshMatcapMaterial'" [color]="'0xaa24df'" [matcap]="texture"
[type]="'MeshNormal'" [color]="'0xff0000'"
[specular]="'0x333333'" [shininess]="5"
[roughness]="info.roughness" [metalness]="info.metalness"
[envMap]="radianceMap" [envMapIntensity]="1" [reflectivity]="1"
[color]="'0x888855'" [roughness]="0.8" [metalness]="0.5"
[type]="'MeshToonMaterial'" [color]="info.color"
[type]="'PointsMaterial'" [color]="'0xffff00'" [size]="5"
[type]="'RawShaderMaterial'" [uniforms]="{
time: { type: 'number', value: 1.0 },
sineTime: { type: 'number', value: 1.0 }
}" [shader]="'instancing'" [side]="'double'" [transparent]="true"
[uniforms]="{ tAudioData: { type: 'DataTexture', value: audio } }"
[linewidth]="5" [dashed]="true" [dashScale]="5" [dashSize]="2"
[gapSize]="3" [resolutionX]="1024" [resolutionY]="1024"
[type]="'SpriteMaterial'" [color]="info.color"
[type]="'meshlambert'" [color]="'0xff0000'"




  • OnInit
  • OnDestroy
  • OnChanges










MATERIAL_ATTR: string[] = ...

The base attribute can be fine without re-make Material


OBJECT_ATTR: string[] = ...

Object attr of abstract subscribe component

Protected _changeList

_changeList: string[] = null

Change list of abstract subscribe component

Protected _needUpdate

_needUpdate: boolean = true

Need update of abstract subscribe component


alphaMap: any = null

The alpha map is a grayscale texture that controls the opacity across the surface (black: fully transparent; white: fully opaque). Default is null. Only the color of the texture is used, ignoring the alpha channel if one exists. For RGB and RGBA textures, the WebGL renderer will use the green channel when sampling this texture due to the extra bit of precision provided for green in DXT-compressed and uncompressed RGB 565 formats. Luminance-only and luminance/alpha textures will also still work as expected.


alphaTest: number = null

Sets the alpha value to be used when running an alpha test. The material will not be renderered if the opacity is lower than this value. Default is 0.


alphaToCoverage: boolean = null

Enables alpha to coverage. Can only be used with MSAA-enabled contexts (meaning when the renderer was created with antialias parameter set to true). Default is false.


aoMap: any = null

The red channel of this texture is used as the ambient occlusion map. Default is null. The aoMap requires a second set of UVs.


aoMapIntensity: number = null

Intensity of the ambient occlusion effect. Default is 1. Zero is no occlusion effect.


blendDst: string = null

Which blending to use when displaying objects with this material. This must be set to CustomBlending to use custom blendSrc, blendDst or blendEquation. See the blending mode constants for all possible values. Default is NormalBlending.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.ZeroFactor ZeroFactor , Zero
THREE.OneFactor OneFactor , One
THREE.SrcColorFactor SrcColorFactor , SrcColor
THREE.OneMinusSrcColorFactor OneMinusSrcColorFactor , OneMinusSrcColor
THREE.SrcAlphaFactor SrcAlphaFactor , SrcAlpha
THREE.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor , OneMinusSrcAlpha
THREE.DstAlphaFactor DstAlphaFactor , DstAlpha
THREE.OneMinusDstAlphaFactor OneMinusDstAlphaFactor , OneMinusDstAlpha
THREE.DstColorFactor DstColorFactor , DstColor
THREE.OneMinusDstColorFactor OneMinusDstColorFactor , OneMinusDstColor


blendDstAlpha: number = null

The transparency of the Material.blendDst. Uses Material.blendDst value if null. Default is null.


blendEquation: string = null

Blending equation to use when applying blending. Default is AddEquation. See the blending equation constants for all possible values. The material's blending must be set to CustomBlending for this to have any effect.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.AddEquation AddEquation , Add
THREE.SubtractEquation SubtractEquation , Subtract
THREE.ReverseSubtractEquation ReverseSubtractEquation , ReverseSubtract
THREE.MinEquation MinEquation , Min
THREE.MaxEquation MaxEquation , Max


blendEquationAlpha: number = null

The transparency of the Material.blendEquation. Uses Material.blendEquation value if null. Default is null.


blendSrc: string = null

Blending source. Default is SrcAlphaFactor. See the source factors constants for all possible values. The material's blending must be set to CustomBlending for this to have any effect.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.NoBlending NoBlending , No
THREE.NormalBlending NormalBlending , Normal
THREE.AdditiveBlending AdditiveBlending , Additive
THREE.SubtractiveBlending SubtractiveBlending , Subtractive
THREE.MultiplyBlending MultiplyBlending , Multiply
THREE.CustomBlending CustomBlending , Custom


blendSrcAlpha: number = null

The transparency of the Material.blendSrc. Uses Material.blendSrc value if null. Default is null.


blending: string = null

Which blending to use when displaying objects with this material. This must be set to CustomBlending to use custom blendSrc, blendDst or blendEquation. See the blending mode constants for all possible values. Default is NormalBlending.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.NoBlending NoBlending, No
THREE.NormalBlending NormalBlending, Normal
THREE.AdditiveBlending AdditiveBlending, Additive
THREE.SubtractiveBlending SubtractiveBlending, Subtractive
THREE.MultiplyBlending MultiplyBlending, Multiply
THREE.CustomBlending CustomBlending, Custom


bumpMap: any = null

The texture to create a bump map. The black and white values map to the perceived depth in relation to the lights. Bump doesn't actually affect the geometry of the object, only the lighting. If a normal map is defined this will be ignored.


bumpScale: number = null

How much the bump map affects the material. Typical ranges are 0-1. Default is 1.


clearcoat: number = null

Represents the intensity of the clear coat layer, from 0.0 to 1.0. Use clear coat related properties to enable multilayer materials that have a thin translucent layer over the base layer. Default is 0.0.


clearcoatNormalMap: any = null

Can be used to enable independent normals for the clear coat layer. Default is null.


clearcoatNormalScale: number = null

How much MeshPhysicalMaterial.clearcoatNormalMap affects the clear coat layer, from (0,0) to (1,1). Default is (1,1).


clearcoatNormalScaleX: number = null

How much MeshPhysicalMaterial.clearcoatNormalMap affects the clear coat layer, from (0,0) to (1,1). Default is (1,1).


clearcoatNormalScaleY: number = null

How much MeshPhysicalMaterial.clearcoatNormalMap affects the clear coat layer, from (0,0) to (1,1). Default is (1,1).


clearcoatRoughness: number = null

Roughness of the clear coat layer, from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 0.0.


clipIntersection: boolean = null

Changes the behavior of clipping planes so that only their intersection is clipped, rather than their union. Default is false.


clipShadows: boolean = null

Defines whether to clip shadows according to the clipping planes specified on this material. Default is false.


clipping: boolean = null

Defines whether this material supports clipping; true to let the renderer pass the clippingPlanes uniform. Default is false.


clippingPlanes: I3JS.Plane[] | NgxPlaneComponent[] = null

User-defined clipping planes specified as THREE.Plane objects in world space. These planes apply to the objects this material is attached to. Points in space whose signed distance to the plane is negative are clipped (not rendered). This requires WebGLRenderer.localClippingEnabled to be true. See the [example:webgl_clipping_intersection WebGL / clipping /intersection] example. Default is null.

Protected clippingPlanesList

clippingPlanesList: QueryList<NgxPlaneComponent>

Content children of abstract material component


color: INgxColor = null

Color of the material, by default set to white (0xffffff).


colorMultiply: number = null

Color of the material multiply (1)


colorWrite: boolean = null

Whether to render the material's color. This can be used in conjunction with a mesh's renderOrder property to create invisible objects that occlude other objects. Default is true.


combine: string = null

How to combine the result of the surface's color with the environment map, if any. Options are THREE.Multiply (default), THREE.MixOperation, THREE.AddOperation. If mix is chosen, the MeshBasicMaterial.reflectivity is used to blend between the two colors.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.MultiplyOperation MultiplyOperation, Multiply
THREE.MixOperation MixOperation, Mix
THREE.AddOperation AddOperation, Add


control: any = null

The control of abstract material component


dashOffset: number = null

The dashOffset of material component


dashScale: number = null

The dashScale of material component


dashSize: number = null

The size of the dash. This is both the gap with the stroke. Default is 3.


dashed: boolean = null

The dashed of material component


debug: boolean = false

Debug this Object


defines: any = null

Custom defines to be injected into the shader. These are passed in form of an object literal, with key/value pairs. { MY_CUSTOM_DEFINE: '' , PI2: Math.PI * 2 }. The pairs are defined in both vertex and fragment shaders. Default is undefined.


depthFunc: string = null

Which depth function to use. Default is LessEqualDepth. See the depth mode constants for all possible values.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.NeverDepth NeverDepth , Never
THREE.AlwaysDepth AlwaysDepth , Always
THREE.LessDepth LessDepth , Less
THREE.LessEqualDepth LessEqualDepth , LessEqual
THREE.EqualDepth EqualDepth , Equal
THREE.GreaterEqualDepth GreaterEqualDepth , GreaterEqual
THREE.GreaterDepth GreaterDepth , Greater
THREE.NotEqualDepth NotEqualDepth , NotEqual


depthPacking: string = null

Encoding for depth packing. Default is BasicDepthPacking.


depthTest: boolean = null

Whether to have depth test enabled when rendering this material. Default is true.


depthWrite: boolean = null

Whether rendering this material has any effect on the depth buffer. Default is true. When drawing 2D overlays it can be useful to disable the depth writing in order to layer several things together without creating z-index artifacts.


diffuseColor: INgxColor = null

Color of the material, by default set to white (0xffffff).


diffuseColorMultiply: number = null

Color of the material multiply (1)


diffuseMap: any = null

The red channel of this texture is used as the ambient occlusion map. Default is null. The aoMap requires a second set of UVs.


displacementBias: number = null

The offset of the displacement map's values on the mesh's vertices. Without a displacement map set, this value is not applied. Default is 0.


displacementMap: any = null

The displacement map affects the position of the mesh's vertices. Unlike other maps which only affect the light and shade of the material the displaced vertices can cast shadows, block other objects, and otherwise act as real geometry. The displacement texture is an image where the value of each pixel (white being the highest) is mapped against, and repositions, the vertices of the mesh.


displacementScale: number = null

How much the displacement map affects the mesh (where black is no displacement, and white is maximum displacement). Without a displacement map set, this value is not applied. Default is 1.


dithering: boolean = null

Whether to apply dithering to the color to remove the appearance of banding. Default is false.


emissive: INgxColor = null

Emissive (light) color of the material, essentially a solid color unaffected by other lighting. Default is black.


emissiveIntensity: number = null

Intensity of the emissive light. Modulates the emissive color. Default is 1.


emissiveMultiply: number = null

Emissive (light) color multiply of the material, essentially a solid color unaffected by other lighting.


enabled: boolean = true

Enabled or Not


envMap: any = null

The environment map. Default is null.


envMapIntensity: number = null

Scales the effect of the environment map by multiplying its color.


environmentType: string = 'mirror'

The environmentType of material component


extensions: string = null
An object with the following properties:
this.extensions = {
derivatives: false, // set to use derivatives
fragDepth: false, // set to use fragment depth values
drawBuffers: false, // set to use draw buffers
shaderTextureLOD: false // set to use shader texture LOD

Notice - case insensitive.


farDistance: number = null

Encoding for depth packing. Default is BasicDepthPacking.


flatShading: boolean = null

Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. Default is false.


fog: boolean = null

Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true.


fragmentShader: string = null

Fragment shader GLSL code. This is the actual code for the shader. In the example above, the vertexShader and fragmentShader code is extracted from the DOM; it could be passed as a string directly or loaded via AJAX instead.


gapSize: number = null

The size of the gap. Default is 1.


glslVersion: string = null

Defines the GLSL version of custom shader code. Only relevant for WebGL 2 in order to define whether to specify GLSL 3.0 or not. Valid values are THREE.GLSL1 or THREE.GLSL3. Default is null.

Notice - case insensitive.


gradientMap: any = null

The alpha map is a grayscale texture that controls the opacity across the surface (black: fully transparent; white: fully opaque). Default is null. Only the color of the texture is used, ignoring the alpha channel if one exists. For RGB and RGBA textures, the WebGL renderer will use the green channel when sampling this texture due to the extra bit of precision provided for green in DXT-compressed and uncompressed RGB 565 formats. Luminance-only and luminance/alpha textures will also still work as expected.

Protected id

id: string = ''

The Id of abstract subscribe component


lightMap: any = null

The light map. Default is null. The lightMap requires a second set of UVs.


lightMapIntensity: number = null

Intensity of the baked light. Default is 1.


lights: boolean = null

Defines whether this material uses lighting; true to pass uniform data related to lighting to this shader. Default is false.


linecap: string = null

Define appearance of line ends. Possible values are 'butt', 'round' and 'square'. Default is 'round'. This corresponds to the 2D Canvas lineCap property and it is ignored by the WebGL renderer.

Notice - case insensitive.


linejoin: string = null

Define appearance of line joints. Possible values are 'round', 'bevel' and 'miter'. Default is 'round'. This corresponds to the 2D Canvas lineJoin property and it is ignored by the WebGL renderer.

Notice - case insensitive.


linewidth: number = null

Controls line thickness. Default is 1. Due to limitations of the OpenGL Core Profile with the WebGL renderer on most platforms linewidth will always be 1 regardless of the set value.


map: any = null

The color map. Default is null.


matcap: any = null

The matcap map. Default is null.

Protected material

material: I3JS.Material = null

The Material of abstract material component


materialType: string = 'material'

The Material type. can be material, background etc.


metalness: number = null

How much the material is like a metal. Non-metallic materials such as wood or stone use 0.0, metallic use 1.0, with nothing (usually) in between. Default is 0.0. A value between 0.0 and 1.0 could be used for a rusty metal look. If metalnessMap is also provided, both values are multiplied.


morphNormals: boolean = null

Defines whether the material uses morphNormals. Set as true to pass morphNormal attributes from the geometry to the shader. Default is false.


morphTargets: boolean = null

Define whether the material uses morphTargets. Default is false.


name: string = null

The name of the object (doesn't need to be unique). Default is an empty string.


nearDistance: number = null

The near value of the point light's internal shadow camera.


normalMap: any = null

The texture to create a normal map. The RGB values affect the surface normal for each pixel fragment and change the way the color is lit. Normal maps do not change the actual shape of the surface, only the lighting. In case the material has a normal map authored using the left handed convention, the y component of normalScale should be negated to compensate for the different handedness.


normalMapType: string = null

The type of normal map. Options are THREE.TangentSpaceNormalMap (default), and THREE.ObjectSpaceNormalMap.

Notice - case insensitive.


normalScale: number = null

How much the normal map affects the material. Typical ranges are 0-1. Default is a Vector2 set to (1,1) 1.


normalScaleX: number = null

How much the normal map affects the material. Typical ranges are 0-1. Default is a Vector2 set to (1,1).


normalScaleY: number = null

How much the normal map affects the material. Typical ranges are 0-1. Default is a Vector2 set to (1,1).


onBeforeCompile: (shader: Shader, renderer?: I3JS.WebGLRenderer) => void = null

Type declaration

    • An callback that is executed immediately before the shader program is compiled. This function is called with the shader source code as a parameter. Useful for the modification of built-in materials.


      Returns void


onDestory: EventEmitter<NgxMaterialComponent> = ...

Will be called when before destory. The argument will be the loaded self


onLoad: EventEmitter<NgxMaterialComponent> = ...

Will be called when load completes. The argument will be the loaded self


opacity: number = null

Float in the range of 0.0 - 1.0 indicating how transparent the material is. A value of 0.0 indicates fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque. If the material's transparent property is not set to true, the material will remain fully opaque and this value will only affect its color. Default is 1.0.


overrideParams: {} = null

The override params

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any

Protected parent

parent: any = null

The Parent of abstract subscribe component


polygonOffset: boolean = null

Whether to use polygon offset. Default is false. This corresponds to the GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL WebGL feature.


polygonOffsetFactor: number = null

Sets the polygon offset factor. Default is 0.


polygonOffsetUnits: number = null

Sets the polygon offset units. Default is 0.


precision: string = null

Override the renderer's default precision for this material. Can be "highp", "mediump" or "lowp". Default is null.

Notice - case insensitive.


premultipliedAlpha: boolean = null

Whether to premultiply the alpha (transparency) value. See [Example:webgl_materials_physical_transmission WebGL / Materials / Physical / Transmission] for an example of the difference. Default is false.

highp, mediump, lowp


refIndex: number = -1

The refIndex of material component

if the material of mesh is array use this index


refName: string | string[] = null

The refName of material component


refer: any = null

The refer Material. When this value is not null will override the material with clone.


referencePositionX: number = null

The position of the point light in world space.


referencePositionY: number = null

The position of the point light in world space.


referencePositionZ: number = null

The position of the point light in world space.


reflectivity: number = null

How much the environment map affects the surface; also see MeshBasicMaterial.combine. The default value is 1 and the valid range is between 0 (no reflections) and 1 (full reflections).


reflector: any = null

The reflector of material component


refractionRatio: number = null

The index of refraction (IOR) of air (approximately 1) divided by the index of refraction of the material. It is used with environment mapping modes THREE.CubeRefractionMapping and THREE.EquirectangularRefractionMapping. The refraction ratio should not exceed 1. Default is 0.98.


resolutionX: number = null

The resolutionX of material component


resolutionY: number = null

The resolutionY of material component


rotation: number = null

The rotation of the sprite in radians. Default is 0.


roughness: number = null

How rough the material appears. 0.0 means a smooth mirror reflection, 1.0 means fully diffuse. Default is 1.0. If roughnessMap is also provided, both values are multiplied.


roughnessMap: any = null

The green channel of this texture is used to alter the roughness of the material.


scale: number = null

The scale of the dashed part of a line. Default is 1.

Protected selfAny

selfAny: any = ...


shader: string | IShaderType = null

The shader type

Notice - case insensitive.


shadowSide: string = null

Defines which side of faces cast shadows. When set, can be THREE.FrontSide, THREE.BackSide, or THREE.DoubleSide. Default is null. If null, the side casting shadows is determined as follows:

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.FrontSide FrontSide , Front
THREE.BackSide BackSide , Back
THREE.DoubleSide DoubleSide , Double


sheen: INgxColor = null

If a color is assigned to this property, the material will use a special sheen BRDF intended for rendering cloth materials such as velvet. The sheen color provides the ability to create two-tone specular materials. null by default.


sheenMultiply: number = null

The sheenMultiply of material component


shininess: number = null

How shiny the MeshPhongMaterial.specular highlight is; a higher value gives a sharper highlight. Default is 30.


side: string = null

Defines which side of faces will be rendered - front, back or both. Default is THREE.FrontSide. Other options are THREE.BackSide and THREE.DoubleSide.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.FrontSide FrontSide , Front
THREE.BackSide BackSide , Back
THREE.DoubleSide DoubleSide , Double


size: number = null

Sets the size of the points. Default is 1.0. Will be capped if it exceeds the hardware dependent parameter gl.ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE.


sizeAttenuation: boolean = null

Specify whether points' size is attenuated by the camera depth. (Perspective camera only.) Default is true.


specular: INgxColor = null

Specular color of the material. Default is a Color set to 0x111111 (very dark grey). This defines how shiny the material is and the color of its shine.


specularMap: any = null

Specular map used by the material. Default is null.


specularMultiply: number = null

The specularMultiply of material component


stencilFail: string = null

Which stencil operation to perform when the comparison function returns false. Default is KeepStencilOp. See the stencil operations constants for all possible values.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.ZeroStencilOp ZeroStencilOp , ZeroStencil
THREE.KeepStencilOp KeepStencilOp , KeepStencil
THREE.ReplaceStencilOp ReplaceStencilOp , ReplaceStencil
THREE.IncrementStencilOp IncrementStencilOp , IncrementStencil
THREE.DecrementStencilOp DecrementStencilOp , DecrementStencil
THREE.IncrementWrapStencilOp IncrementWrapStencilOp , IncrementWrapStencil
THREE.DecrementWrapStencilOp DecrementWrapStencilOp , DecrementWrapStencil
THREE.InvertStencilOp InvertStencilOp , InvertStencil


stencilFunc: string = null

The stencil comparison function to use. Default is AlwaysStencilFunc. See stencil function constants for all possible values.

Notice - case insensitive.


stencilFuncMask: number = null

The bit mask to use when comparing against the stencil buffer. Default is 0xFF.


stencilRef: number = null

The value to use when performing stencil comparisons or stencil operations. Default is 0.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.NeverStencilFunc NeverStencilFunc , NeverStencil
THREE.LessStencilFunc LessStencilFunc , LessStencil
THREE.EqualStencilFunc EqualStencilFunc , EqualStencil
THREE.LessEqualStencilFunc LessEqualStencilFunc , LessEqualStencil
THREE.GreaterStencilFunc GreaterStencilFunc , GreaterStencil
THREE.NotEqualStencilFunc NotEqualStencilFunc , NotEqualStencil
THREE.GreaterEqualStencilFunc GreaterEqualStencilFunc , GreaterEqualStencil
THREE.AlwaysStencilFunc AlwaysStencilFunc , AlwaysStencil


stencilWrite: boolean = null

Whether stencil operations are performed against the stencil buffer. In order to perform writes or comparisons against the stencil buffer this value must be true. Default is false.


stencilWriteMask: number = null

The bit mask to use when writing to the stencil buffer. Default is 0xFF.


stencilZFail: string = null

Which stencil operation to perform when the comparison function returns true but the depth test fails. Default is KeepStencilOp. See the stencil operations constants for all possible values.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.ZeroStencilOp ZeroStencilOp , ZeroStencil
THREE.KeepStencilOp KeepStencilOp , KeepStencil
THREE.ReplaceStencilOp ReplaceStencilOp , ReplaceStencil
THREE.IncrementStencilOp IncrementStencilOp , IncrementStencil
THREE.DecrementStencilOp DecrementStencilOp , DecrementStencil
THREE.IncrementWrapStencilOp IncrementWrapStencilOp , IncrementWrapStencil
THREE.DecrementWrapStencilOp DecrementWrapStencilOp , DecrementWrapStencil
THREE.InvertStencilOp InvertStencilOp , InvertStencil


stencilZPass: string = null

Which stencil operation to perform when the comparison function returns true and the depth test passes. Default is KeepStencilOp. See the stencil operations constants for all possible values.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.ZeroStencilOp ZeroStencilOp , ZeroStencil
THREE.KeepStencilOp KeepStencilOp , KeepStencil
THREE.ReplaceStencilOp ReplaceStencilOp , ReplaceStencil
THREE.IncrementStencilOp IncrementStencilOp , IncrementStencil
THREE.DecrementStencilOp DecrementStencilOp , DecrementStencil
THREE.IncrementWrapStencilOp IncrementWrapStencilOp , IncrementWrapStencil
THREE.DecrementWrapStencilOp DecrementWrapStencilOp , DecrementWrapStencil
THREE.InvertStencilOp InvertStencilOp , InvertStencil


storageName: string = null

The storage name to restore.


storageOption: any = null

The storage options when restore to be used.

Protected subscribeType

subscribeType: string = null

Subscribe type of abstract subscribe component

Protected textureList

textureList: QueryList<NgxAbstractTextureComponent>

Content children of material component


thickness: number = null

How much the material is like a metal. Non-metallic materials such as wood or stone use 0.0, metallic use 1.0, with nothing (usually) in between. Default is 0.0. A value between 0.0 and 1.0 could be used for a rusty metal look. If metalnessMap is also provided, both values are multiplied.


toneMapped: boolean = null

Defines whether this material is tone mapped according to the renderer's toneMapping setting. Default is true.


transmission: number = null

Degree of transmission (or optical transparency), from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 0.0. Thin, transparent or semitransparent, plastic or glass materials remain largely reflective even if they are fully transmissive. The transmission property can be used to model these materials. When transmission is non-zero, opacity should be set to 1.


transparent: boolean = null

Defines whether this material is transparent. This has an effect on rendering as transparent objects need special treatment and are rendered after non-transparent objects. When set to true, the extent to which the material is transparent is controlled by setting its opacity property. Default is false.


tween: {} = null

Tween animation params

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any


type: string = 'lambert'

The type if matrial.

Three Type Value String(case insensitive)
THREE.LineBasicMaterial LineBasicMaterial, LineBasic
THREE.LineDashedMaterial LineDashedMaterial, LineDashed
THREE.MeshBasicMaterial MeshBasicMaterial, MeshBasic
THREE.MeshDepthMaterial MeshDepthMaterial, MeshDepth,
THREE.MeshDistanceMaterial MeshDistanceMaterial, MeshDistance,
THREE.MeshMatcapMaterial MeshMatcapMaterial, MeshMatcap,
THREE.MeshNormalMaterial MeshNormalMaterial, MeshNormal,
THREE.MeshPhongMaterial MeshPhongMaterial, MeshPhong,
THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial MeshPhysicalMaterial, MeshPhysical,
THREE.MeshStandardMaterial MeshStandardMaterial, MeshStandard,
THREE.MeshToonMaterial MeshToonMaterial, MeshToon,
THREE.PointsMaterial PointsMaterial, Points,
THREE.RawShaderMaterial RawShaderMaterial, RawShader,
THREE.ShaderMaterial ShaderMaterial, Shader,
THREE.ShadowMaterial ShadowMaterial, Shadow,
THREE.SpriteMaterial SpriteMaterial, Sprite,
THREE.StandardNodeMaterial StandardNodeMaterial, StandardNode,
THREE.BasicNodeMaterial BasicNodeMaterial, BasicNode,
THREE.MeshStandardNodeMaterial MeshStandardNodeMaterial, MeshStandardNode,
THREE.PhongNodeMaterial PhongNodeMaterial, PhongNode,
THREE.SpriteNodeMaterial SpriteNodeMaterial, SpriteNode,
THREE.MeshLambertMaterial MeshLambertMaterial, MeshLambert


uniforms: INgxUniforms = null

An object of the form:

{ "uniform1": { value: 1.0 }, "uniform2": { value: 2 } }

specifying the uniforms to be passed to the shader code; keys are uniform names, values are definitions of the form

{ value: 1.0 }

where value is the value of the uniform. Names must match the name of the uniform, as defined in the GLSL code. Note that uniforms are refreshed on every frame, so updating the value of the uniform will immediately update the value available to the GLSL code.


userData: any = null

An object that can be used to store custom data about the Object3D. It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned.


vertexColors: boolean = null

Defines whether vertex coloring is used. Default is false.


vertexShader: string = null

Vertex shader GLSL code. This is the actual code for the shader. In the example above, the vertexShader and fragmentShader code is extracted from the DOM; it could be passed as a string directly or loaded via AJAX instead.


vertexTangents: boolean = null

Defines whether precomputed vertex tangents, which must be provided in a vec4 "tangent" attribute, are used. When disabled, tangents are derived automatically. Using precomputed tangents will give more accurate normal map details in some cases, such as with mirrored UVs. Default is false.


visible: boolean = null

Defines whether this material is visible. Default is true.


windowExport: string = null

Export this Object to window global variables


wireframe: boolean = null

Render geometry as wireframe. Default is false (i.e. render as flat polygons).


wireframeLinecap: string = null

Define appearance of line ends. Possible values are "butt", "round" and "square". Default is 'round'. This corresponds to the 2D Canvas lineCap roperty and it is ignored by the WebGL renderer.

Notice - case insensitive.


wireframeLinejoin: string = null

Define appearance of line joints. Possible values are "round", "bevel" and "miter". Default is 'round'. This corresponds to the 2D Canvas lineJoin property and it is ignored by the WebGL renderer.

Notice - case insensitive.


wireframeLinewidth: number = null

Controls wireframe thickness. Default is 1. Due to limitations of the OpenGL Core Profile with the WebGL renderer on most platforms linewidth will always be 1 regardless of the set value.



  • set needUpdate(value: boolean): void
  • Sets need update


    • value: boolean

    Returns void



  • addChanges(key: string | string[] | SimpleChanges): void

Protected applyChanges

  • applyChanges(changes: string[]): void

Protected callOnLoad

  • callOnLoad(): void

Protected checkChanges

  • checkChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): SimpleChanges

Protected clearChanges

  • clearChanges(): void

Protected consoleLog

  • consoleLog(key: string, object: any, level?: string): void

Protected consoleLogTime

  • consoleLogTime(key: string, object: any, repeat?: number): void

Protected destroyLocalComponent

  • destroyLocalComponent(key: string): void


  • dispose(): void

Protected getChanges

  • getChanges(): string[]

Protected getClippingPlanes


  • getId(): string


  • getMaterial<T>(): T

Protected getMaterialParameters


  • getObject<T>(): T


  • getSubscribe(): Observable<string[]>

Protected getTexture

Protected getTextureOption

Protected getTimeout

  • getTimeout(timeDelay?: number): Promise<void>


  • getUserData(): {}

Protected getVertexColors

  • getVertexColors(def?: boolean): boolean

Protected initLocalComponent

  • initLocalComponent<T>(key: string, component: T): T

Protected isIdEuals

  • isIdEuals(id: string): boolean


  • isMaterialType(materialType: string): boolean


  • ngAfterContentInit(): void


  • ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void
  • A callback method that is invoked immediately after the default change detector has checked the directive's data-bound properties for the first time, and before any of the view or content children have been checked. It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated. default change detector has checked data-bound properties if at least one has changed, and before the view and content children are checked.


    • changes: SimpleChanges

      The changed properties.

    Returns void


  • ngOnDestroy(): void


  • ngOnInit(): void
  • A callback method that is invoked immediately after the default change detector has checked the directive's data-bound properties for the first time, and before any of the view or content children have been checked. It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated.

    Returns void


  • resetTween(): void


  • runSubscribeNext(key: string | string[]): void

Protected setMaterial

Protected setObject

  • setObject(obj: any): void



  • setParent(parent: any): boolean


  • setSubscribeNext(key: string | string[]): void


  • setSubscribeType(subscribeType: string): void


  • setTween(tweenData: {}): void


  • setTweenTarget(tweenTarget: any): void


  • setUserData(key: string, value: any): void

Protected subscribeListQuery

  • subscribeListQuery(queryList: QueryList<any>, subscribeKey: string, changeKey: string): void

Protected subscribeListQueryChange

  • subscribeListQueryChange(queryList: QueryList<any>, subscribeKey: string, changeKey: string): void

Protected subscribeRefer

  • subscribeRefer(key: string, subscription: Subscription): void

Protected subscribeReferList

  • subscribeReferList(key: string, subscription: Subscription): void


Protected unSubscribeRefer

  • unSubscribeRefer(key: string): void

Protected unSubscribeReferList

  • unSubscribeReferList(key: string): void

Protected unSubscription

  • unSubscription(subscriptions: Subscription[]): Subscription[]



  • updateInputParams(params: {}, firstChange?: boolean, changes?: SimpleChanges, type?: string): void


  • updateNode(delta: any): void

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