Creates an instance of geometry component.
Geometry attr of abstract geometry component
Object attr of abstract subscribe component
Change list of abstract subscribe component
Need update of abstract subscribe component
The addGroup of geometry component
The align of geometry
left, center, right, top, bottom, front, back, double
Notice - case insensitive. mixed
Central angle. Default is Math.PI * 2.
The attrColor of abstract geometry component
The attrColorKey of abstract geometry component
The attrColorNormalized of abstract geometry component
The attrColorSize of abstract geometry component
The attrColorUsage of abstract geometry component
The attrCustomColor of abstract geometry component
The attrCustomColorUsage of abstract geometry component
The attrIndex of abstract geometry component
The attrIndexUsage of abstract geometry component
The attrNormal of abstract geometry component
The attrNormalNormalized of abstract geometry component
The attrNormalUsage of abstract geometry component
The attrOffset of abstract geometry component
The attrOffsetUsage of abstract geometry component
The attrOrientationEnd of abstract geometry component
The attrOrientationEndUsage of abstract geometry component
The attrOrientationStart of abstract geometry component
The attrOrientationStartUsage of abstract geometry component
The attrPosition of abstract geometry component
The attrPositionUsage of abstract geometry component
The attrScale of abstract geometry component
The attrScaleUsage of abstract geometry component
The attrSize of abstract geometry component
Defines the intended usage pattern of the data store for optimization purposes. Corresponds to the usage parameter of WebGLRenderingContext.bufferData().
The attrTextureIndex of abstract geometry component
The attrTextureIndexUsage of abstract geometry component
The attrTranslate of abstract geometry component
The attrTranslateUsage of abstract geometry component
The attrUv of abstract geometry component
The attrUvUsage of abstract geometry component
The attrVertColor of abstract geometry component
The attrVisible of abstract geometry component
This hashmap has as id the name of the attribute to be set and as value the buffer to set it to. Rather than accessing this property directly, use BufferGeometry.setAttribute and BufferGeometry.getAttribute to access attributes of this geometry.
The autoCustomColor of abstract geometry component
The autoCustomColorKey of abstract geometry component
The autoCustomColorSize of abstract geometry component
The autoDisplacement of abstract geometry component
The autoDisplacementSize of abstract geometry component
The autoSize of abstract geometry component
The autoSizeSize of abstract geometry component
The bevelEnabled of geometry component
The bevelOffset of geometry component
The bevelSegments of geometry component
The bevelSize of geometry component
The bevelThickness of geometry component
The blinn of geometry component
The body of geometry component
The bottom of geometry component
Center the geometry based on the bounding box.
The closed of geometry component
Grid Color axis X
Grid Color axis Y
Make the input mesh.geometry's normal attribute encoded and compressed by 3 different methods.
Also will change the mesh.material to PackedPhongMaterial
which let the vertex shader program decode the normal data.
"DEFAULT" || "OCT1Byte" || "OCT2Byte" || "ANGLES"
"OCT1Byte" It is not recommended to use 1-byte octahedron normals encoding unless you want to extremely reduce the memory usage As it makes vertex data not aligned to a 4 byte boundary which may harm some WebGL implementations and sometimes the normal distortion is visible Please refer to @zeux 's comments in
The compressPositions
The compressUvs
Computes bounding box of the geometry, updating BufferGeometry.boundingBox attribute. Bounding boxes aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are null.
Computes bounding sphere of the geometry, updating BufferGeometry.boundingSphere attribute. Bounding spheres aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are null.
Calculates and adds a tangent attribute to this geometry. The computation is only supported for indexed geometries and if position, normal, and uv attributes are defined.
Computes vertex normals by averaging face normals.
The count of abstract geometry component
The curve of geometry component
The curveNormal of geometry component
The curveNormalOption of geometry component
The curveOption of geometry component
The curvePath of geometry component
The Input of geometry component
Notice - case insensitive.
The curveOption of geometry component
The curveSegments of geometry component
The Input of geometry component
Notice - case insensitive.
The cutoff angle in radians. If the angle between two face normals is higher than this value, a split will be made.
Debug this Object
Depth; that is, the length of the edges parallel to the Z axis. Optional; defaults to 1.
The Sharpen Rate of Depth
Number of segmented rectangular faces along the depth of the sides. Optional; defaults to 1.
Default is 0. Setting this to a value greater than 0 adds more vertices making it no longer an icosahedron. When detail is greater than 1, it's effectively a sphere
drawRangeCount of abstract geometry component
drawRangeStart of abstract geometry component
The geometry to modify by splitting edges. This geometry can be any of any type: Geometry or BufferGeometry, indexed or not
Enabled or Not
The extrudePath of geometry component
The Input of geometry component
Notice - case insensitive.
The fitLid of geometry component
The flipY of abstract geometry component
The font of geometry component
The Geometry of abstract geometry component
Height; that is, the length of the edges parallel to the Y axis. Optional; defaults to 1.
Number of segmented rectangular faces along the height of the sides. Optional; defaults to 1.
The Id of abstract subscribe component
Default is 0.5.
The instanceCount of geometry component
The lid of geometry component
The light of geometry component
The maxEdgeLength of abstract geometry component
The maxIterations of abstract geometry component
geometry -- Instance of BufferGeometry to merge the vertices of. tolerance -- The maximum allowable difference between vertex attributes to merge. Defaults to 1e-4. Returns a new BufferGeometry with vertices for which all similar vertex attributes (within tolerance) are merged.
The mesh of geometry component
The meshType of abstract geometry component
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.EdgesGeometry | EdgesGeometry, Edges |
THREE.WireframeGeometry | WireframeGeometry, Wireframe |
WireframeGeometry2 | WireframeGeometry2, Wireframe2 |
Hashmap of BufferAttributes holding details of the geometry's morph targets.
The name of the object (doesn't need to be unique). Default is an empty string.
Will be called when before destory. The argument will be the loaded self
The onInit of abstract geometry component
Will be called when load completes. The argument will be the loaded self
A Boolean indicating whether the base of the cone is open or capped. Default is false, meaning capped.
The orientationX of geometry component
The orientationY of geometry component
The orientationZ of geometry component
Default is 1.
The override params
This value determines, how many times the geometry winds around its axis of rotational symmetry. Default is 2.
The Input of geometry component
Notice - case insensitive.
The Parent of abstract subscribe component
The Input of geometry component
Notice - case insensitive.
the radian (0 to 2PI : 0 to 360) range of the lathed section 2PI(360) is a closed lathe, less than 2PI is a portion. Default is 2PI.
Minimum is 1. Default is 1.
the starting angle in radians. Default is 0.
The points of geometry component
The pointsGeometry of geometry component
The polyIndices of geometry component
The polyVertices of geometry component
The positionX of geometry component
The positionY of geometry component
The positionZ of geometry component
The program of abstract geometry component
The programParam of abstract geometry component
This value determines, how many times the geometry winds around a circle in the interior of the torus. Default is 3.
The quality of geometry component
Number of segmented faces around the circumference of the cone/cylinder/torus/tube. Default is 8
Radius of the circle/cone/dodecahedron/sphere..., default = 1.
Radius of the cylinder at the bottom. Default is 1.
Number of segmented faces around the circumference of the cone/cylinder/torus/tube. Default is 8
Radius of the cylinder at the top. Default is 1.
The rayParams of geometry component
The refGeometry of geometry component
refer mesh name of geometry component
The Input of geometry component
Notice - case insensitive.
The refer of geometry component
Scale the geometry data. This is typically done as a one time operation, and not during a loop. Use Object3D.scale for typical real-time mesh scaling.
the number of circumference segments to generate. Default is 12.
The shadow of geometry component
The shapes of geometry component
The simplify of abstract geometry component
The size of geometry component
The sizeX of geometry component
The sizeY of geometry component
The sizeZ of geometry component
The slices of geometry component
Scale the geometry data. This is typically done as a one time operation, and not during a loop. Use Object3D.scale for typical real-time mesh scaling.
The stacks of geometry component
The steps of geometry component
The storage2Buffer of geometry component
The storageName of geometry component
The storage Option
Subscribe type of abstract subscribe component
The tension of geometry component
The tessellate of abstract geometry component
The text of geometry component
The central angle, often called theta, of the circular sector. The default is 360, which makes for a complete circle.
Number of segments. A higher number means the ring will be more round. Minimum is 3. Default is 8.
Start angle for first segment, default = 0 (three o'clock position).
The thresholdAngle of geometry component
Return a non-index version of an indexed BufferGeometry.
Set to true to keep the normal values for vertices that won't be split. To use this feature, you also need to pass an indexed geometry with a 'normal' BufferAttribute
The tube of geometry component
Radius of the tube. Default is 0.4.
Tween animation params
The type of geometry
Three Type | Value String(case insensitive) |
THREE.BufferGeometry | BufferGeometry, CustomGeometry, Custom, Buffer |
THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry | InstancedBufferGeometry, InstancedBuffer, Instanced, |
TeapotGeometry | TeapotGeometry, Teapot, |
PerlinGeometry | PerlinBufferGeometry, PerlinGeometry, Perlin, PerlinBuffer |
RopeGeometry | RopeBufferGeometry, RopeGeometry, Rope, RopeBuffer |
CapsuleGeometry | CapsuleGeometry, Capsule, |
LineGeometry | LineGeometry, Line, |
THREE.BoxGeometry | BoxGeometry, Box, |
THREE.CircleGeometry | CircleGeometry, Circle, |
THREE.ConeGeometry | ConeGeometry, Cone, |
THREE.CylinderGeometry | CylinderGeometry, Cylinder, |
THREE.DodecahedronGeometry | DodecahedronGeometry, Dodecahedron, |
MergeGeometry | mergebuffergeometries, mergebuffergeometry, mergebuffer, merge |
THREE.ShapeGeometry | ShapeGeometry, Shape, |
THREE.IcosahedronGeometry | IcosahedronGeometry, Icosahedron, |
THREE.LatheGeometry | LatheGeometry, Lathe, |
THREE.OctahedronGeometry | OctahedronGeometry, Octahedron, |
THREE.ParametricBufferGeometry | ParametricBufferGeometry, ParametricBuffer, ParametricBuffer |
ParametricGeometries.TorusKnotGeometry | , |
ParametricGeometries.SphereGeometry | , |
ParametricGeometries.TubeGeometry | , |
THREE.ParametricGeometry | ParametricGeometry , Parametric, |
THREE.PlaneGeometry | PlaneGeometry, Plane, |
THREE.RingGeometry | RingGeometry, Ring, |
THREE.SphereGeometry | SphereGeometry, Sphere, |
THREE.TetrahedronGeometry | TetrahedronGeometry, Tetrahedron, |
THREE.TextBufferGeometry | TextBufferGeometry, TextGeometry, TextBuffer, Text |
THREE.TorusGeometry | TorusGeometry, Torus, |
THREE.TorusKnotGeometry | TorusKnotGeometry, TorusKnot |
THREE.TubeGeometry | TubeGeometry, Tube, |
ConvexGeometry | ConvexGeometry, Convex, |
DecalGeometry | DecalGeometry, Decal, |
The Input of geometry component
Notice - case insensitive.
An object that can be used to store custom data about the Object3D. It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned.
The vertexBuffer of abstract geometry component
The vertexBufferStride of abstract geometry component
The weight of geometry component
Width; that is, the length of the edges parallel to the X axis. Optional; defaults to 1.
Number of segmented rectangular faces along the width of the sides. Optional; defaults to 1.
Export this Object to window global variables
Sets need update
Adds changes
Applys changes
Calls on load
Checks changes
Clears changes
Consoles log
Consoles log time
Destroys local component
Disposes abstract subscribe component
Gets attribute
Gets attributes
Gets changes
Gets geometry
Gets id
Gets morph attributes
morph attributes
Gets object
Gets subscribe
Gets timeout 특정 시간후에 이벤트 발생시키기
Gets user data
Inits local component
local component
Determines whether Geometry type is
true if Geometry type
Determines whether id euals is
true if id euals
A callback method that is invoked immediately after Angular has completed initialization of all of the directive's content. It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated.
A callback method that is invoked immediately after the default change detector has checked the directive's data-bound properties for the first time, and before any of the view or content children have been checked. It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated. default change detector has checked data-bound properties if at least one has changed, and before the view and content children are checked.
The changed properties.
A callback method that performs custom clean-up, invoked immediately before a directive, pipe, or service instance is destroyed.
A callback method that is invoked immediately after the default change detector has checked the directive's data-bound properties for the first time, and before any of the view or content children have been checked. It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated.
Resets tween
Runs subscribe next
Sets geometry
Sets object
Sets object3d
Sets parent
true if parent
Sets subscribe next
Sets subscribe type
Sets tween
Sets tween target
Sets user data
Subscribes list query
Subscribes list query change
Subscribes refer
Subscribes refer list
Synks object3d
subscribe refer
subscribe refer list
unSets object3d
Updates input params
Generated using TypeDoc
The Geometry component.
See the ngx3js docs page for details. See the ngx geometey page for a live demo. See the ngx font page for a live font demo. See the ngx curve page for a live curve demo.
A representation of mesh, line, or point geometry. Includes vertex positions, face indices, normals, colors, UVs, and custom attributes within buffers, reducing the cost of passing all this data to the GPU. To read and edit data in BufferGeometry attributes, see BufferAttribute documentation.